Monday, 21 April 2014

Early EXSTORM results: performance of Generalized Derivative Follower price setting

The EXSTORM project is starting to deliver results. We've been running full-scale in silico simulations of local energy market trading, and testing the viability of different trading heuristics. For example, we've put a good deal of work into the possibilities of posted-price trading, and the various heuristics for setting offer-to-sell prices and buy-limit prices.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Community energy and local markets

 Pressure is mounting to improve the environmental credentials of our energy supply – and electricity is often taken as the place to start.  The number of community energy projects grows, and with good reason, for local generation and increased consumption can reduce transmission and distribution losses, as well as disrupting the business of the major energy suppliers and reducing their market share.